Creating a circular gradient in Shadertoy

animated green circle gradient with smoothing applied

Learn how to create a circular gradient in Shadertoy, using the GLSL programming language.


Define two colour constants.

const vec3 COL1 = vec3(0.06, 0.4, 0.07);
const vec3 COL2 = vec3(0.68, 0.85, 0.68);

And a value for the edge smoothing.

const float SMOOTHING = 128.0;

Circle function

Create a circle function to calculate the distance to the centre of a circle.

float Circle(vec2 pos, float radius)
    return length(pos) - radius;

Aspect ratio

Calculate the aspect ratio inside the main function using the resolution.

float aspect = 1.0 / min(iResolution.x, iResolution.y);

UV coordinates

Calculate aspect ratio corrected UV coordinates.

vec2 uv = fragCoord * aspect;


Create a position variable, and set it to the UV coordinates. Offset it to the centre of the screen using half of the resolution and the aspect ratio.

vec2 pos = uv;
pos -= aspect * iResolution.xy / 2.0;

Create circle

Create a circle using the position and a radius value which controls the size of the circle.

float radius = 0.25;
float c = Circle(pos, radius);
greyscale circle gradient without smoothing applied
Greyscale circle gradient without smoothing applied

Edge smoothing

Smooth the edges of the circle using the smoothing value from earlier and the aspect ratio.

float s = SMOOTHING * aspect;
c = smoothstep(s, -s, c);


You can see the size of the circle by setting the RGB of the output fragment to the circle distance value.

fragColour.rgb = vec3(c);
greyscale circle gradient with smoothing applied
Greyscale circle gradient with smoothing applied


Mix the two colours we defined earlier with the circle distance value. Multiply the result against the circle distance value, so that the gradient is only created inside the circle.

fragColour.rgb = mix(COL1, COL2, c) * c;
green circle gradient with smoothing applied
Green circle gradient with smoothing applied


Set the alpha of the output fragment value.

fragColour.a = 1.0;


Optionally animate the circle’s radius using time and a sine wave.

float t = sin(iTime) * 0.5 + 0.5;
float radius = mix(0.0, 0.6, t);
animated green circle gradient with smoothing applied
Animated green circle gradient with smoothing applied


Full Shadertoy code and demo available here.


Thank you for reading this tutorial. Let me know in the comments section if you enjoyed it, or have any questions!

For more gradient tutorials, check out:

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