Creating a binary image shader

Snow cabin sprite original vs 1-Bit binary image

This tutorial will show you how to convert a sprite to a binary image inside a GLSL shader. A binary image uses only two colours, usually black and white. In pixel art this is often called 1-Bit.

Binary image – Wikipedia

I will use this sprite of a snow cabin which I created in Aseprite.

Snow cabin sprite

Step 1: Get pixel colour

Get the current pixel colour.

fragColour = texture(textureUnit, texCoord);

Step 2: Convert to greyscale

Convert the current pixel colour to greyscale.

const vec3 GREY_WEIGHTS = vec3(0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f);
float greyscaleValue = dot(fragColour.rgb, GREY_WEIGHTS);
Greyscale snow cabin sprite

Step 3: Select colours

Select two colours and pass them in as uniforms. I chose to use black and white.

uniform vec3 shadow = vec3(0.0f);
uniform vec3 highlight = vec3(1.0f);

Step 4: Bias

This uniform variable represents the bias towards one colour. For example if I use black and white. A low bias would favour white, whilst a high bias would favour black. The bias uniform should be in the 0 to 1 range.

uniform float bias = 0.5f;

The code snippet below uses the ternary operator to select either the highlight or shadow colour based on a comparison between the greyscale value and the bias.

fragColour.rgb = greyscaleValue > bias ? highlight : shadow;

But it could be written with a standard if else statement like so:

	if(greyscaleValue > bias)
		fragColour.rgb = highlight;
		fragColour.rgb = shadow;

However I recommend using the ternary operator, as it may be more optimised.

If the bias is 0, you will only get white.

White snow cabin sprite

If the bias is 1, you will only get black.

Black snow cabin sprite

A bias of around 0.3 or 30% works nicely for this image.

Snow cabin sprite 1-Bit binary image

Feel free to experiment with different colours and bias values.

Thank you for reading this tutorial, I hope you found it useful!

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